
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


i'm currently "studying" for chemistry and spanish finals tomorrow.
finals are alright. they suck, but they're alright.
to me, they're just one step closer to summer.
(oh, summer. where have you GONE?!?!)

above = the things that frightened me when i was seven,
but for some reason i love all of them today.
(neon colors, denim, 80s movies, snakes, ninjas)

so, i dyed my hair pink!

but it washed out.
hence, i'm trying again tomorrow.

i hated 80s movies. i liked watching black and white movies with my mom, and 90s movies were fine, but the 80s scared the shit out of me. now they're my favorite cinema decade (almost). 
stops before the bad part:


later kitties

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